

Some colourful scenery pictures for my new art project when the new term at college starts.



I have just joined Tumblr, yes i know doing that is so last year, but i am now obsessed! I joined about 5 hours ago and have 65 posts, how fricking crazy is that anywayyy, if you see this hit me up and follow me on tumblr. MY TUMBLR


Studs galore

I ordered some clip on studs off eBay a few weeks ago and hadn't got round to putting them on anything until the other day, and now I have gone stud crazy! I have studded all the shirts I have with collars that look like they need studding ahah, I have studded 3 pairs of my shorts, and one pair of jeans! I think I'm going to look like some punk/goth kinda person. If you add my leather studded biker jacket and 2 pairs of topshop studded slippers into the mix too people are going to start to think I've got issues and an obsession with studs, well maybe I do, think I should probs see someone about it.


Street walkers

Its officially the start of summer, even though i've still got a month left at college, i'm going to let my hair down and forget about my exams and writing personal statements for uni and all the pressure that goes with it.
 My best friend came round last saturday and we were bored sat in my room watching Jenna Marble videos and decided to explore my neighbourhood. With my camera and the new found 10 second timer on one of the settings we ended up spending about 2 hours balancing my camera on walls, fences and post boxes trying to get some cool snaps and although we got some weird looks by a few passer bys i think we definitely succeeded. 

Here are a few of the best ones.

Converse Sweat, H&M Shorts, Sperry Shoes

Vintage Sweat from eBay, Old Navy Shorts, Turquoise Vans

The flowers look super pretty here.



I am obsessed with jewellery! I cover my fingers in rings everyday and have stacks of bracelets up my arms in loads of different colours! Here are some that I'm wearing today, my finger party.
The slave ring/bracelet is from topshop, the knuckle ring is also from topshop, got it for a bargain for £2 in the sale, the green stone one is also from topshop! Hahah I but way too much stuff from there! And the bow ring, surprisingly isn't from Topshop, it's from a vintage shop in Leeds.