
My week on Instagram

Well as you've all probably experienced Instagram there's little I need to say, except I am overly obsessed with this app, I follow way too many people and post on numerous occasions everyday. It's so fun to see into people's lives and what they do, not in a stalkerish way or anything but you know what I mean haha.


I need these


May Lookbook


I love the new lookbook for Zara this month, some of the clothes are exquisite. These four are my favourites, i can't wait until these pieces come on sale. The lace skirt in the last picture is my absolute favourite. Was very disappointed when i clicked on it, card in hand ready to buy and it said coming soon, why would they do that to me?! I am buying it as soon as it comes on sale, don't want to miss out of that lace beauty. 


Brighter and bolder

I am becoming quite experimental with my lipstick colours ever since I ventured out with my 'vampire lipstick' on and now I have taken a step in the bright direction. Red. I quite like it and I think I may even be brave enough to go out of the house in it, well maybe.


Nothing special just my College outfit the other day, dressed down style.
Jacket /Forever 2, Tee/Topshop, Necklace/Miss Selfridge, Jeans/American Eagle, Shoes/Toms

Maxi Madness

I adore Maxi skirts, its the perfect way to get into your summer clothes, when its not really warm enough to bare your legs. I have so many maxi skirts i've lost count, i wear them throughout the year, either with my leather jackets and boots in winter or with a bralet or a floaty top in summer. They are something every girl should have in their wardrobes. These are a few of my favourites. 

Miley Cyrus is  one of my best dressed celebs, whether she's dressed for yoga or so a premiere, i think she always looks on trend and relaxed. 

Olivia Palermo is just utterly amazing, the way she can pull off so many different accessories and patterns and fabrics in one outfit, truly is inspiring. These are my favourites, the first maxi skirt is absolutely to die. The dip dye effect is so cute and on trend.

 You may no like Vanessa Hudgens, but you have to admit she pulls off relaxed boho style to a t. Her laid back luxe style is exactly like mine and i covet most of the clothes she wears, oh and did i mention i would die to have her hair, its so amazing.


Finders keepers

Well lookie what I've got here, it's a brand spanking new Lacose Polo, well when I say new I mean used and from a charity ahah, I just couldn't pass on this! Reds not normally my colour but when I saw the price tag I couldn't let it go, are you ready to be blown away, it's was only £3! £3 for a Lacoste!!! How could you say no to that!


Met Gala

Darling Dresses

As you may have heard through the grape vines, the Met Gala was this week, it was filled with celebs decked out to the nines, in the latest designer must haves. I would give my left arm for any one of these beautiful dresses. They are all so amazing and elegant. I absolutely adore all of these dresses, they are my favourite out of all the fabulous outfits the celebs turned up in at this years Met Gala.

Lana Del Ray is just one of the most gorgeous women in the world, she pulls this cape draped over her dazzling dress off to perfection. Just a touch of crimson lippy to add another dramatic edge to the whole ensemble. I'm in love.

I am absolutely in love with this, the colour and the cut, its just amazing! I don't have words to describe have utterly beautiful she looks. The feathers at the bottom of it, just add that touch of quirkiness Diane always brings to her outfits. 


Art Project

I have my final art exam coming up in a couple of weeks, i have been practising 
 different painting techniques. I started looking at Marilyn Minter's work and went from there. These are a few of the photos i am going to use. They are showing the after math of a party, they are conveying the other side of glamour. The side people don't usually see, after a party when your make up and hair is a complete mess. I used photoshop to make my photos more dramatic, and bold. I love the first one in black and white, the way the mascara is running down the side of the face, it looks really  dramatic and bold. Wish me luck in painting one of these in my nine hour exam haha.


Pastel Fancies

I was feeling rather summery this week, but because of the lack of sun i had to stock to being summery just on my nails. I pained them all pastel colours from Barry M, the best nail varnish ever! I love all of them because they make any outfit pop, even with just a touch of colour on your nails.

Excuse my badly conditioned hands, i have loads of burns from work and my woody plaster is covering a recent accident with a kettle. Lets just say i'm extremely clumsy. The ring is vintage from Camden market that i bought last year during the summer. This is one of my favourite rings out of my large collection.



Clearly I was cool from an early age, check out that pose i'm striking and the swagger in my walk, gosh now i know I was just born with natural cool. Hahaha i'm totally joking, but I love these pictures, I was trailing through my Facebook because I can't get to sleep and came across these. I completely forgot I had them! I love the first picture, I always think pictures taken from behind when you're walking look so awesome and I'm with two of my favourite people in Texas wearing a genuine cowboy hat, from a store that made it especially for my six year old self, life doesn't get much better.

Colour Crazeee

Have you ever radically changed your hair colour? I've only ever ventured to slightly off shades of brown, such as purpley brown and reddy brown, never anything crazy. I was messing around on the computer changing my hair styles you know with one of those celeb ones where you put their hair styles on you, and I did this one and I love it. Blonde is definitely somewhere I want to venture but I'm too scared to do it, if it goes like this though it would be perfect, maybe someday I will be brave enough to take the risk.