
Vamp lips

I bought a new lipstick this weekend. My dad told me I look like a vampire and I kinda like it! It's a crimson plummy kinda colour from 17 at boots and I think it gives any outfit a tough edge and I luuurrrve it!


Pretty Patterns

Have not had hardly any time to post anything this week, bee super busy with college, exams are coming up and course work deadlines so I don't really have time to do much else. I did take some time out though from the non stop work to have a quick look at the new River Island clothes. These jeans are my favourite. I adore jeans, i have way more than i should, at least 20 pairs in various colours and styles. I'm not normally one to go for such outrageous colours, but I love the pattern on the first pair. Would love great teamed with a black blazer and heels for a meal out. And the second pair reminds me of Isabel Marant Aztec style jeans, so of course at £50 these are a steal. 


The big apple

I went to New York last year, was one of the best places i have ever visited. Full of culture and life all the time, literally. We went to see Mary Poppins and we came out of the theatre at about half 11 and all the shops were still open, went into Forever 21 at midnight and it was still as busy as ever. Complete madness but i loved every minute of it. I can definitely see myself living there when i'm older. 

The first picture is the view of New York from the top of the empire state building, such a surreal experience seeing life in New york from so far up, sort of how a bird would see it swooping over the top of the buildings. 

The second picture is my mum and I in the middle of Times Square at about half 12 at night, still boiling hot and packed to the brim. It truly is the city that never sleeps.


Kiss for a cause

The new h&m line to fight against aids! In love with the tribal prints and summery shades! Can not wait until these come out in the stores! Definitely buying the jacket, it's so pretty and the watercolour print is bang on trend.



I don't have words to describe how over the moon I was when I spotted this in my local charity shop, truly was a gift from the gods! I now have an excuse for the amount of times I say chicka chicka yeah each day! Not only was it an amazing find it was a mere £3, could today get any better?

Two Tone

Topshop dress / Forever 21 jacket / Gap boots

Excuse my ridiculous attempt at modelling haha. This is my new dress, two tone from Topshop. So much for saving money, I think i'm going to write a strongly worded letter to Topshop for taking all of my money away, its really not right. I bought this dress this morning and just had to share how pretty it is, teamed with biker boots it makes the perfect shopping outfit.


Sorry for the poor quality, thats mac for you. This is my new fave ring, absolute bargain! I got in the Matalan sale in the mens stuff for £2. Dare I say thats the best bargain I have ever come across. Im going to add it to my endless collection of rings that seem to be taking over every surface of my bedroom.

Thrift heaven

Well I have just discovered my dream shop, London Loves La if you don't already know it, its a boutique that brings all of the L.A goodness of their thrift stores and markets to the UK. Its full of letterman jackets and vintage band tees, really is there anymore you need in an outfit than abit of Californian fun?

Here are some of my favourites,


Hair woes


I was just looking at how much my dip dye hair has grown out, how that is possible baffles me. Definitely in the need of dying it again, not sure what to do this time. Think i might attempt golden high lights, probably a bad idea when it comes to my mess of a barnet, doesn't seem to want to cooperate with me at all. Wish me luck.


Just another normal day at college, taking random pictures in a car park while a group of people walk by giving us strange look while we are posing on walls. Found the whole experience a tad awkward but i'm definitely getting the hang of being in front of the camera.

Im wearing a Topshop bomber, River Island patterned jeans, Topshop loathers and a Forever 21 tee.

Jess is wearing a customised Led Zeppelin t shirt and a Topshop skirt.



London Fashion weekend 

Every september me and my mum get the train down to London for a day of shopping and show watching. We were on the front row sitting in the same seats as fashion gods Sarah Jessica Parker and Victoria Beckham were a few days earlier, watching the new season style on the front row was one of the best experiences I have ever had. A MUST for anybody who loves fashion.

First Post

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”  Mae West

Its been raining all day, so i've been stuck inside listening to Lana Del Ray and watching endless Kate Hudson Rom Coms, so thought it was time for my first post. Just like to say hey and welcome to ISWAT. It stands for it started with a thought, i couldn't quite think of something insanely creative so after endless texts with my friends we came up with that.